Kremke Soul Wool Pattern Edda Shawl englisch
Kremke Soul Wool Pattern Edda Shawl englisch

Kremke Soul Wool Pattern Edda Shawl

Pattern Edda Shawl

Melissa Leapman

Best.-Nr. 121053324-en
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3,00 €
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Edda by Melissa Leapman is a comfy shawl with, believe it or not, 8 colors, combined in a harmonic and entertaining slip stitch pattern. What a treat!

• Measurements:
70 x 50"/[178 x 127cm], blocked

• Yarn:
Kremke Soul Wool Edelweiss Alpaka 25g
2 balls each of color:
15 (A)
01 (B)
08 (C )
51 (E),
17 (F)
12 (G)
30 (H)
and 4 balls of:
53 (D)

• Needles:
size 3 (3.25mm) 29"/[74cm] circular needle, or size needed to obtain gauge (Circular needle is used to accommodate the large number of stitches. Do not join at the end of rows.)

If you want to knit this shawl, you can order the pattern and the matching wool in our online shop.

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Kremke Soul Wool

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